The hidden toxins in your beauty routine

I bet by now you’re aware of all the toxins we have hidden in our food and enviorment. Maybe you’ve inveted in a quality air purifyer, water filter and only buy fresh, local and organic food whenever possible.

However, if you haven’t looked at the products under your kitchen sink or in your bathroom you’re missing a huge collection of toxins, chemicals and other cancer-causing ingredients full of things that mess with your hormones and endocrine system.

Now, I have to say first thing, that if you’re not aware of these issues I CANNOT blame you! I spent almost 13 years as a passionate health educator, with toxic and fake food being such a huge focus. However, I never thought to look into my skincare or beauty routines because I just assumed those products were regulted and safe. Joke was on me, but I should have known better knowing what I know about the food industry and how the FDA isn’t really looking out for anyone’s health. The beauty industry is even worse however because it’s a virtully COMPLETELY unregulated industry!

But, better late than never when it comes to knowledge. A few years ago I started down the rabit hole that was looking into these industries and what I found out was horrifying.

From deodorant to toothpaste, serums to mascara, the amount of known cancer-causing ingredients were mind-blowing.

For example, did you know that the European Union bans over 1328 chemical ingredients from use in cosmetics or skincare, and the US bans only 30? This is INSANE right? I couldn’t believe it.

I set out on a mission to revamp my whole house and bathroom with safer products and research companies that were changing the game when it came to this topic.

This is when I found Beauty Counter. I’m not a bandwagon person, and I’m not an easy sell when it comes to tying my name to anything. It took me an entire year of research, comparisons, product trials and company evaluation before making this decision. I felt 100% confident and happy to be aligned with a company that is out to do so much to help women’s health in so many powerful ways!

One of the most impressive things about this company is first “The Never List“. The Never List™ is made up of more than 1,500 questionable or harmful chemicals that BC will never use as ingredients in their products. It’s an impressive feat all on it’s own.

The other major trait of this company is their diligent service to changing the industry as a whole. From going to capitol hill to demand better testing and regulations, to education, to their amazing products that WORK. They are doing amazing things in this movememt to help women achieve beauty that doesn’t come at the cost of their health.

While I have cabinets filled with various products and companies, most of which I will start to do more reviews on, this company is a large part of my skincare routine.

I’d love to help you become more educated about the products you put on your skin everyday (after all our skin is our largest organ!).

If you’d like to shop my personal Beauty Counter site you can do so here, or comment below with any questions and I”ll happily answer them. At the very least use the list and information on the BC site to educate yourself and make better choices no mattter what brand you choose.

I hope after reading the never list and this blog that you’re inspired to take action on revamping your routine! Your health is SO worth it!

Love & Zen
Holly Joy

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