My entire career has been passionately devoted to helping people get out of physical and emotional pain to achieve self-love, health, happiness, and a fit, strong body.

That passion has been built on the foundation of my own chronic health journey and ever seeking holistic healing and balance. Having battled with depression/anxiety, an eating disorder and severe chronic fatigue and pain illnesses for a large portion of my life and career, it has been my relentless pursuit and belief in natural healing that has lead my entrepreneurial and professional path all these years.

I’m a firm believer in the mind, body, and soul all being connected, and I’ve spent a good portion of my life studying the science and philosophies that back that up. So what I’ve known and practiced for some time is that we have to address all aspects of ourselves to really achieve lasting change.

However, despite my expertise in life coaching, personal training, nutrition counseling and hands-on therapies like touch through massage therapy, I know there are sometimes bigger issues involved that make our conscious efforts to change stay stuck outside our ability to implement and execute. Sometimes these are mental/emotional and other times physical, but they are always because of a body or mind that is out of balance.

The thing I knew I needed to expand on with my work in this world was creating something that serves as a lifeline, a catalyst to help with those first few steps out of where most people are, where they feel frozen and unable to move forward. I needed something that helps balance the brain and the body so that all the other tools I had to offer could be put to work most efficiently, rather than being stuck inside a locked room unable to be accessed.

To me, CBD and other plant therapies are those somethings. They are the natural keys that help unlock all the other coaching, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle approaches out there. This is why Zen In A Bottle was created, and it is my passionate knowing that it will be positively influential in so many lives. I hope it positively impacts yours….

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