A Protein Powder with Power!

There are thousands and thousands of different protein powders out there and if you’re already big into taking them, I’m sure you’ve tried many! Like any sort of nutritional supplement, they’re not all treated the same. Without being biased here, we truly believe that a 100% plant-based protein powder will lead you to the success and health that you want to achieve, and here’s why:

1. You Will Diminish Digestive Stress

You will hear it a lot from people just starting out with traditional protein shakes (who don’t normally have digestive problems) that those shakes are killing their insides. A lot of dairy-based proteins, like whey and casein, can come with some rather unexpected side effects. One can still be sensitive to lactose without being completely intolerant, and if users are feeling gassy, bloated, or stuffed up, it could be due to the amount of dairy they’re ingesting. Because many active athletes take one-to-four shakes a day, digestive distress is a common symptom. Whey will always have lactose, regardless of how high-quality of an isolate it is. In short, if it has concentrates, it’ll have lactose. If shakes are going to be an integral part of the weight loss regimen, it is important to have one that is easy to digest and allergen free. Not to mention, dairy has been linked to many hormonal imbalances, which can stunt muscle growth and weight-loss tremendously!

2. Greater Weight-loss Results

Although it may not be intuitive, given how much protein powders are attached to massive muscle gain, protein can be an essential part of weight loss since it helps boost metabolism and reduce cravings. Increasing your protein intake can be a great way to optimize your macronutrient balance. More protein means less fat and carbohydrates. Of course, fat and carbohydrates are not “bad” components of food, but protein has been shown to offer greater satisfaction per calorie than the other two macros. The amino acid profiles of vegan protein powders are similar to whey protein and other animal proteins. Our plant-based proteins are also organic, non-GMO, soy-free, and gluten-free. Proteins are also important for weight loss because digesting them actually speeds up your metabolism. It takes many more calories to metabolize protein than carbohydrates or fats, making protein an integral part of weight loss.  This is of course with the right combination of exercise and diet plan which should be consulted with a professional.

3. Aids In the Relief of Pain and Inflammation

There are also some benefits that one might not expect from a common protein supplement. A vegan diet can help fight inflammation, and pain. Plant-based proteins are also more ethical and sustainable. It doesn’t take as much fuel, water, or land to produce plants as it does animal proteins. Whey and casein, if they aren’t reduced and isolated enough, might contain growth hormones, antibiotics, or other chemicals that were added to the animal feed which can lead to increased inflammation within the body.

Other Benefits of Choosing POWER TO THE PLANT Protein Shake:

-Pure natural dietary supplement; Mixture of plant-based proteins, super antioxidants, and MCTs.

-Contains 3629MG of naturally occurring amino acids.

-Contains electrolytes to keep your body fit; Promotes lean muscle.

-Keto-friendly, low-carb, high-protein, Free of soy, dairy, sugar, and gluten free.

-Mix this powdered superfood into your shake or smoothie for the perfect pre- or post-workout drink.

-Contains essential amino acids, including L-Arganine, L-Lysine, L-Tyrosine, L-Glycine, L-Leucine, L-Tryptophan, L-Proline, L-Methionine, L-Histidine, and L-Serine.

-Contains an MCT Oil and Antioxidant Blend.

MCT Oil is one of the fastest sources of clean fuel for body and brain. These fast-absorbing fats are, hands down, one of the best ways to power up your performance.

Antioxidants are substances that may protect cells in your body from free radical damage that can occur from exposure to certain chemicals, smoking, pollution, radiation, and as a byproduct of normal metabolism.

Branched Chain Amino Acids increase muscle growth, decrease soreness, reduces fatigue, good for liver health, regulates metabolism, and prevents muscle wasting to name a few.

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