How To Combat Cravings

Your body always knows what it needs and if we listen closely, we can aid in it’s healing and balance. Many people believe that cravings come from a place of weakness or “lack of willpower”, but in reality cravings are extremely important to pay attention to. Cravings can come and go as seasons do because your body is constantly changing with your lifestyle, pregnancy, environment, and or with illness. It’s necessary to pay attention to your cravings because it will let you know what your body needs, however it’s usually not EXACTLY what you’re craving that you need, but more so the nutrients within that type of food you’re lacking.

The next time a craving strikes, pay attention to what the actual craving is. Do you notice that every time you have a bad day at work you rush home to eat ice cream? Do you have emotional triggers that cause you to overindulge? Do you crave buying eighty-five chocolate bars during your menstrual cycle? Or even dirt during your pregnancy? This self-reflection will help you control your cravings and help you dig much deeper into what your body is really trying to tell you.

Not only do cravings mean you’re in need of a certain vitamin or mineral, it also means your body is doing it’s job to self-regulate and keep everything working properly! When we are deficient in a nutrient, it can cause many issues. Each nutrient deficiency has a different “side effect” you should look out for. By checking in with how you’re feeling when you don’t give into those cravings right away, you can determine exactly what nutrient you need to consume more of.

Here are some examples:

Calcium: Our body will actually pull calcium from our bones when our blood levels drop or we experience pH changes in the body. If you find yourself craving sodas, carbonated drinks and even dairy this could be a sign you need more calcium. (Add more dark leafy greens, brocolli, kale, celery, pumpkin seeds, almonds, asparagus, coconut meat, etc.)

Magnesium: Up to 80 percent of the population is deficient in magnesium. It’s easily depleted in times of chronic stress, extreme exercise, during menstruation and when we consume sugar. In fact, for every gram of sugar you consume, your body uses between 28-53 molecules of magnesium. If you find yourself having intense cravings for sugar and feel fatigued and sore, you may need more magnesium. This is true as well if you experience muscle twitches and cramps, depressed mood, and anxiety. (Add more dark chocolate, avocados, raw cacao, cashews, almonds, dark leafy greens, sesame seeds, etc.)

Zinc: This key mineral is important for our immune system, cellular growth, sleep, skin, insulin regulation, hormone balance and mood support. The body has no special storage capacity for zinc, so it is important to consume zinc-rich foods on a regular basis. If you suffer from GI distress, experience low moods, have extreme PMS, have high stress or take antacids and OTCs you likely could benefit from more zinc. (Add more pumpkin seeds, unsweetened dark chocolate, spinach, almonds, etc.)

Omega 3: Omega-3 fatty acids are known as essential fatty acids. Our bodies cannot make them on their own, so they must either be obtained through our diet or through supplements. Cravings for sweet, fatty foods, cheese and carbohydrates can be a sign of omega-3 deficiencies, as well as having poor mood and brain fog. (Add more chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds, spirulina, etc.)

Folate: If you crave processed grains, you may need more folate. This is also true if you have a history of cardiovascular disease, miscarriages, or experience fatigue, low energy, loss of appetite, anemia and have changes in mood and irritability. (Add more dark leafy greens, beets, lentils, brocolli, okra, brussel sprouts, etc.)

And much, MUCH more of course! Getting all of the right nutrients in everyday can be a balancing act that isn’t always easy. We always suggest trying to eat balanced and healthily in your lifestyle of course, but also adding in a supplement or two to ensure you’re always covered. We have formulated the perfect dose of each vitamin and mineral to compliment your lifestyle. Adding in a multi-vitamin will not only give you more energy, lower stress and anxiety, help prevent chronic illness, and eliminate cravings.

Get Yours HERE!

Get Your Magnesium HERE!

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