Super Root Turmeric Face Mask DIY!

Turmeric is a super root because it not only heals from the inside, but also carries wonderful benefits on the outside. Turmeric fights free radicals and boosts antioxidants, which can help us fight the signs of aging. Antioxidants protect your body from highly reactive, unpaired atoms or molecules known as ‘free radicals’. These free radicals are considered a health risk because they attack healthy cells, proteins and DNA. They come from a range of sources like UV rays, diet, exposure to metals, medicines or smoking and consequences range from affecting the appearance of your skin through to Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease and cancers. Oxidative damage is said to be one of the main causes behind aging and disease.

Turmeric Curcumin is also strongly anti-inflammatory. In fact, it’s so powerful that it can match anti-inflammatory drugs, without the negative side effects. When applied to skin turmeric based products soothe and calm the skin. This can aid in the relief from acne, hormonal breakouts, dullness, redness, and irritated skin.

Are you ready to make your own face mask at home? AND heal from the inside out? First things first, you’ll need this powerful, pure, and highly effective Super Root Turmeric Supplement!


1 Tablespoon of Honey

3 Tablespoons of Rolled Oats

1 Teaspoon of Lemon Juice

1 Super Root Turmeric Capsule

Mix all of the ingredients in a bowl until well combined.(3 minutes)

Apply to clean skin right away, keep it on for 15 minutes, then gently rinse with lukewarm water using a gentle soft cloth.

This four ingredient recipe will leave your skin glowing, moisturized, matte, and firm! For bonus effects, take a dose of Super Root after breakfast as well to reduce pain, inflammation, enhance mood, and enhance your skin health even further!

Tips: Use a small mason jar to double or triple the recipe and store for a week of use. Use a soft application brush to apply it to your face and add a light moisturizer after use and before you go to sleep. To make it 100% vegan, you can also use pure shea butter. It will work just as well! Face masks are generally suggested to be used 3 times a week in order to keep skin healing and glowing in the days in between, but also not too much that your skin relies on the mask to thrive. By giving the skin time to soak everything in, the effects will be long lasting!

Here are some other additional ways Turmeric can help with glowing skin:

-Skin Lightening (Can help the appearance of dark circles)

-Will slow unwanted facial hair growth

-Soothes Psoriasis

-Fades acne scarring

-Combats sun damage and wrinkles

-Can help heal wounds

-Reduces the appearance of stretch marks

-Can help heal skin cancer

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