The Planner You’ve Been Waiting For…

This has been such a long time in the making..

The tool that can change your life each and every day and over time create massive shifts in your reality! 

For so long I’ve been dreaming of creating this. I’ve put it off, got sidetracked, over thought it, got overwhelmed, got too busy, and done the whole cycle many times over. Creating things like this can feel like a birthing process, only unlike babies who almost everyone loves, you have no idea how the world will receive your heart and soul poured into pages. However, the time has finally come and I could not be any more ecstatic about what’s inside this tool called The Spiritual Fit Chick Life Planner.

You see, I’ve been in this whole wellness, fitness, nutrition, entrepreneur, coaching, try to do it all space for a long time! I know a thing or two about how to make things happen via strategic goal planning, self-awareness, productivity hacks, and thoughtful integration that prioritize self-care, movement, intention, and personal growth.

Over the past decade and a half, I went from bartending and playing music, to owning several successful businesses and living a pretty awesome purpose-driven life full of helping women thrive! I’ve immersed myself in self-development practices, success principles, healthy living ideas, and business methods. I have spent hundreds of dollars on blank journals, dry erase boards, fitness journals, magnet boards, calendars of all sizes, dated planners, digital apps galore and guided “success” planners. I even have a waterproof pencil and paper in my shower, but truth be told I pretty much love that thing and think it looks pretty cool to have notes in my shower! 

The rest, however, just kept accumulating on my desk, bookshelves, and nightstand half-finished and collecting dust. The reason I’d never stick with one for any real amount of time is that none of them really kept ALL areas of my mental and physical health and success/growth in ONE place. One week it was the health journal that kept me on track of my workouts, nutrition, etc, but I’d get bored with tracking every calorie and drop of water without ever going over my MENTAL health goals. My business planner had all my work goals mapped out, but then I’d find myself losing sight of self-care, social time or even just relaxation and so on. None of them fit my whole LIFE or helped me really create success in all areas. Because I know how change really happens, I know that slowly improving all areas is the way to go. Functionality aside, my creative personality would get so bored with how bland the black and white, simple pages became after a while. I need something beautiful to look at if I’m going to show up every day and put in the work! What I so desperately wanted and needed didn’t exist, so I did what any heart-centered, creative entrepreneur would do…. I created it! 

One hard fact about me is that I believe in multidimensional success! Meaning despite my big goals or dreams my ultimate commitment is to make sure I evenly develop each vital area of my life rather than sacrifice some (or all) areas in order to excel in one. You may relate to what I’m talking about here and have likely experienced this unfortunate dynamic yourself because EVERY SINGLE INDUSTRY out there tells you, and teaches you that you HAVE to do things that way. Sacrifice everything to excel in one area. 

Even worse, they teach you to go hard for short periods of time which totally backfires in the long run. Extreme diets, get quick rich plans, crazy workout plans etc. They all tell you to focus 100% on one area to achieve MASSIVE RESULTS in a short amount of time (usually 14-30 days for the real “wow factor”). Truthfully, sometimes you just may achieve that amazing result. Yet in the process, you managed to be a crappy friend, a grumpy partner, a poor employee/entrepreneur and the short term results will 100% of the time NOT be permanent. This has been proven time and time again in my own life, in the lives of clients before they work with me and 100% science backs me up here. Sound familiar?

So this messed up approach to changing your life that is so popular these days is exactly why I created this planner. I’ve coached thousands of women over my 15 years in this industry and I can tell you with complete certainty what works for long term success and what doesn’t. I can also tell you if you want to not only achieve “the goal” but actually be HAPPY once you do, you simply cannot neglect core areas of your life in sacrifice for any one area.

Have you ever worked really hard toward a goal you’ve been tunnel-visioned for weeks, months or even years only to arrive at the finish line with this empty curiosity and thoughts of “is this really it? Shouldn’t I feel something more spectacular right now?” Many of us have been there and it can be a sobering experience to feel you sacrificed so much for something that doesn’t give you the happiness or fulfillment you were positive it would. Again, focus on all areas and make happiness and joy a part of the process, and your goals will always be in alignment with your higher purpose, passions and truly make you happy. 

This is exactly how the SFC Life Planner guides you through each day, week and month and this is why it’s so different than every other option out there. I cannot wait for you to experience how this planner will change your life!

So, without further ado, are you ready to get your hands on this beauty and start transforming your life?

I hope you enjoy this as much as I have enjoyed creating it! Make sure to tag me or message me when you get yours, I’d love to follow along!

Love and Zen

Holly Joy

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