Is coffee destroying your health?

Not very long ago you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who was more attached to her morning cup of coffee than me.  The taste, smell, and the overall experience waking up, going straight to the coffee maker and concocting that perfect combination of warm goodness  was intoxicating.  However a few months into closing my gym in Nashville I started to notice something I hadn’t noticed before due to my constant state of high stress.  I would wake up without an alarm clock, grabbed my coffee and sat in bed to start writing and working on my new online businesses without an ounce of stress in the world. Within 15 minutes of ingesting my beloved brew I would start to get tension, and pain and anxiety.  Prior to this state in my life I think I was in such a state of high stress that I didn’t notice this contrast Or direct correlation.

Almost 10 Years ago when I would do a 10 day fruit and veggie fast, I had given up coffee. When I tried to reintroduce it I remember getting incredibly sick,  nauseous, having horrible headaches and feeling terrible. But, it’s amazing how deep the attachment to toxins can go, because I forced myself to recalibrate my tolerence to have in my life again.  I literally have to shake my head at my own stubbornness and my profound ability to tune out my body’s innate wisdom and signal that’s what I was ingesting was not serving my health or well-being. The truth is at this point in my life I was turning my back on a lot of my holistic beliefs and was well submerged into the hyper masculine and damaging space of competitive physique sports and ‘no pain no gain’ mindsets.  Although that’s a whole other topic for another blog.

Getting back to coffee. During the past year my health crisis has reached an all-time high with numerous debilitating conditions. I have been more willing than ever to tune back in and connect with my body,  so this time I decided to listen to that inner knowing. Since I am someone who loves to have the research to go with my intuition or ”woo woo” thinking,  like I do with everything I dove in to dig up everything that I could fine to back up my decision with science.

Honestly I thought I was a bit crazy at first because every search I came up with just talked about the benefits of coffee.  From the emotional aspect to the caffeine, It looked like one of the healthiest things you could do for your body. Yet, I knew if this was anything like all the other areas of nutrition fake “research” was going to be covering up the real truth. You know,  “calcium is good for your bones” and “you need to eat meat to get your protein” kind of things  insert eyeroll.

So, After a few months and connecting with a few awesome leaders in radical alternative health, I came up with a few resources. Like I had suspected, the conditioning and programming around coffee being good for us runs so deep and is a multi billion machine that has us mindlessly over consuming to our own detriment. Go figure right?  Following links and resources are from Christoff health coach. I invite you to dive in with an open mind, but be prepared to be shocked.

The Diseases Coffee Causes………

1. Joint Pain – coffee/caffeine are diuretics, so that means coffee removes water from your system. Your joints are water based, so with less water, they seize up and start to hurt. The first joints to hurt are usually knees, hips and lower back. Spinal herniation and disc issues are directly related to low water reserves from chronic coffee/caffeine consumption.

2. Fatigue – coffee accelerates the body’s flight or fight reaction (because caffeine is a poison), forcing the metabolism to spend great amounts of energy trying to isolate and transport the poison out of the body. Such daily activation of our body’s flight or fight system drains the body of life force, calories and immense loads of nutrition…..leaving the person chronically fatigued. Coffee also blocks iron absorption (causing clinical anemia), which again can cause chronic fatigue. Coffee provides energy exactly like a bank loan provides wealth…’s an illusion.

3. Digestive Issues – coffee is acidic, most destructive on an empty stomach and directly related to ulcer formation. As stated already, coffee is a diuretic, which means it drains water from the system. There’s a thin layer of water that protects the intestinal wall from coming into contact with your own “poop”. As coffee removes that water based protection layer, our own poop can eat through our intestinal wall. Much Crohn’s, colitis and intestinal disorders are directly caused by this water destructive effect from coffee. Explosive diarrhea from morning coffee doesn’t mean “you’re regular”………it means you’re poisoning yourself.

4. Fat Gain – because caffeine and coffee activate the body’s flight or fight system and because that system is a fat conserving system (if activated on a regular basis)………daily coffee consumption changes the hormonal system of the body to be a fat storage and muscle destroying power house. Some people who drink coffee aren’t too big yet a chronic coffee drinker who’s thin, often carries higher than average body fat levels for their size.

5. Migraines and Headaches – because coffee irritates our intestinal tract and can make our own poop touch our intestines and literally burn holes in them……this entire process can cause pain activation of the vagus nerve, thus triggering headaches and migraines. The vagus nerve runs from the intestines to the brain to warn us when we’re eating poison instead of real food or when our intestines are in big trouble. Headaches and migraines are our body’s way of saying…”hey, stop doing that.”

6. Depression – coffee and caffeine’s links to depression are concrete. Depression based emotions are generated by the body itself, when the owner of the body is doing anything where a premature death is guaranteed. When the body is sad, it makes the owner of the body sad on purpose, to literally say “stop doing that, we’re going to die early if you continue.” (it’s up to you to figure out what “that” is of course) Coffee and caffeine consumption guarantee a premature and painful death, as compared to not consuming any.

7. Heart attacks, strokes and TIA’s – because caffeine and coffee constrict blood vessels and activate the body’s flight or fight response (thus injecting huge loads of adrenaline into the blood), coffee and caffeine consumption can trigger heart attacks, strokes and TIA’s. Again, coffee poisons the body and the body reacts like it’s under attack. This flight or fight reaction is therefore triggered and inside that reaction …….the blood thickens, the heart rate increases dramatically, the violent part of the brain is activated, the intelligent/caring part of the brain is deactivated and all blood vessels constrict. Hello heart attack, circulation problems and stroke.

8. Osteoporosis – coffee makes the blood stream too acidic and the body’s way of dealing with that is to allow the bones to float and dissolve into the blood stream, to neutralize the acid. Just like taking a TUMS or ROLAIDS for stomach acid. The TUMS and ROLAIDS are calcium carbonate and your bones are made of calcium as well, so your bones float out into your blood stream to make the acidic blood “safer”, when you drink your coffee or consume any other caffeine based product. Caffeine and coffee cause osteoporosis.

9. High Cholesterol – coffee and caffeine cause high cholesterol because cholesterol is produced in your liver, in order to repair internal tissue damage. Think of cholesterol as a healing paste, rushed to areas of the body that are decaying faster than usual or areas that have experienced massive damage. Coffee and caffeine damages every tissue throughout the entire body, thus jacking blood cholesterol levels through the roof. Coffee destroys the body…..and the body needs to produce extra cholesterol to repair the destruction. Easy, peasy.

10 TMJ – TMJ is a disorder of the jaw where the joint in the jaw doesn’t align properly, when opening and closing it the mouth. This can lead to erosion of the joint and pain syndromes in the neck and head area etc. The jaw joint can be pulled out of alignment by muscles and tendons, which become too tight, from caffeine/coffee based dehydration. Again caffeine is a highly effective diuretic.

11. Insomnia – it takes a healthy liver 24 full hours to remove 120 mg of caffeine from the blood stream. This means most coffee drinkers are feeling the effects of their caffeine stimulant every minute, of every day, if they drink coffee daily. This can lead of course to poor sleep……which in turn is proven to cause fat gain, fatigue, increased stimulant addiction, behavior issues, depression, an increase in poor decision making, over aggressive behavior etc etc. Coffee and caffeine of course represent a downward spiral, via many different avenues. Saying that, most people’s livers aren’t healthy and most people who consume coffee, consume much more than 120mg per day.

12. Illogical Decisions and Lower IQ – when any threat is sensed by the body, the flight or fight system is activated. This system shuts down our prefrontal cortex (the smartest and most moral version of ourselves) and activates what’s known as our reptilian brain (the R-complex), which is the dumbest and most inept version of ourselves. When this part of the brain is activated we’ll be more violent, more aggressive, overly sexual (well in excess of our natural sex based impulses), illogical, irrational, immoral, unethical and stupid. This part of the brain has no ability to think long term or consider the long term consequences of its’ actions. Caffeine and coffee activate the most child like part of our brain complex. This real dumb part of the brain thinks of today only, never tomorrow. This is the primary reason why chronic coffee drinkers often live in perpetual turmoil and chaos. This part of the brain as well has no ability to take in the full information from the immediate environment yet has a laser like focus. Caffeine and coffee does activate the part of the brain which can focus on things more intensely…..but only ONE THING AT A TIME. Because of this “laser focus” on one thing, car accidents and other accidents (and lapses in judgement) are very common, as the mind can’t see everything…….only one thing, when drinking coffee.

Think coffee is good for your health? Our social engineers are lying as hard as they can about coffee and caffeine, a legal drug that has many benefits for our human farmers. Read the book at this added link. Caffeine can be found in coffee, teas, chocolate, pop and there are over 1000 prescriptions drugs with added caffeine and 2000 over the counter drugs with added caffeine as well. The coffee below has 5 times the caffeine as usual coffee and this trend is a reflection of the intentions of our social engineers. As the tyranny is turned up, our controllers need to turn the brain damaging sedatives up for the the slave class. Caffeine is the SOMA talked about in Huxley’s “Brave New World.”

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