How To Overcome Change

Have you ever tried to make a change in your life only to give up, not care or totally self sabotage a few weeks in and go back to your old ways? So many of us have, and largely because the way we approach change is not only logically the worst way possible, but scientifically proven to not work.

Because of this classic scenario there is this crazy belief that people buy into that “people can’t change”. Let me just say that idea is as much BS as the methods people try to use for change.

People can and DO dramatically change every day. People are nothing more than clay being molded daily. If you think YOU can’t change because you’ve always been a certain way, or you’ve failed at changing in the past there are some important things you should know:

1. Change is generally not overnight or dramatic. Small, consistent changes over time are what lead to the bigger life changing habits and traits.

2. You MUST address the subconscious mind as well as the conscious mind otherwise you’re never getting to the captain who is steering your ship.

3. Good in, good out. Rather than focus on taking away habits or things, focus on getting good stuff IN. With enough good food, good thoughts, good exercise and good habits IN your life you WILL crowd out the bad and over time you’re a different person!

4. You have to have a plan. A dream without a plan is just a wish, so if you want to actually make progress you have to track some things and measure. When they send a rocket to the moon, they don’t just randomly aim and hope for the best.

5. Writing down your goals and sharing them with someone else who can support and offer accountability increases your success substantially.

All of the above were huge motivating factors for the creation of the Spiritual Fit Chick Life Planner. After years of coaching people to change, and turning around massive things in my own life I had tried and tested methods and tools that were proven to work for my clients and myself. I knew I wanted to offer these tools in one conscious place that people could take themselves through and see the benefits they have on their own life outside of working with me personally.

Whether you choose to work with a coach, self educate, or use a guided program like the SFC Life Planner, just know that you are capable of making any change you want in life. No matter how many times you’ve failed! The reason you’ve failed isn’t because of some flaw or deficiency on your side, it’s because you didn’t have the right tools and awareness to support you.

I hope this gives you some ideas to put into action and inspires you to step up and have the courage to try again, this time in a way that is proven to help you succeed! 2021 CAN be your year! This is your opportunity to take your life by the wheel and steer it towards your biggest dreams, defeating any obstacles that get in your way. Your mindset and habits will not fail you anymore.

You’ve got this! Get Your Planner HERE <------

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