Why are we so sick?

If the human body hasn’t changed in the past 100 years, Why all of a sudden are we having so many problems?

As Dr. David Katz said recently at the Future of Nutrition Conference, “there’s nothing wrong with human physiology, the problem is with our environment.” Most people are dealing with a lot of stress. We are bombarded with toxins and chemicals daily. More than 80,000 chemicals in the United States alone have never been fully tested to determine the effects they have on our health. Around 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants were found in the umbilical cord blood of babies born in US hospitals. This problem is only getting worse.

And this is why facilitating proper detoxification pathways (and NO, NOT THROUGH detox teas and body wraps) is so vital. We also have to do everything we can to stop ADDING more into our systems.
Your food, your beauty products, your medicine, your household cleaners, and your water quality are all things you should be consciously choosing.

It may seem overwhelming at first, but just start by replacing one product at a time and go from there.

Personally, this is where Beauty Counter really came into play for my skincare. I loved finding one brand that could provide so many different products for me and my husband, and their never list of over 1400 ingredients that they will NEVER use, made me feel great about choosing their products. The shocking and sad truth is the beauty industry is completely unregulated, so it’s up to us and companies like this to pave the way. I’ve even ventured into making some of my own body creams, detergents, and household cleaners as well. It was daunting at first, but it’s so easy once you get over that initial hump.

Our health depends on our daily choices, and every choice we make matters.

If you want more information about revamping your skin and makeup, visit here for my beauty counter page and let me know if you have any questions!

Love & Zen

Holly Joy

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