The Power of Collagen

Collagen is quickly becoming the new hot supplement. But, as is the case with many natural health supplements, there is a lot of media scrutiny. It seems that every week, there’s a new article that either supports the use of collagen, or warns us that it’s totally useless. So what’s the deal? Are collagen supplements really worth the hype? Can our bodies actually absorb and assimilate oral supplemental collagen into our bodies and tissues? Or is collagen just a waste of money? Well my zen friends: read on!

Collagen is the most abundant protein found in the connective tissue in the body and is most famous for its role in skin, hair and nail health. Collagen has been elusively alluded to within the anti-aging realm of cosmetic marketing. But of course, as is the case with most marketing campaigns targeted at women and our superficial appearance insecurities, it’s not commonly explained how collagen works and how the body produces and uses it. So no, collagen isn’t just found in the skin and its main role isn’t just to make us look younger.

Collagen is found in hair, skin, nails, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, bones and within blood vessel walls—all considered to be “connective tissue” in the body. Collagen accounts for roughly 90% of the dry weight making up the middle layer of skin called the dermis. The dermal layer of the skin provides the scaffolding for the tissue, which is why when the dermis is dehydrated, repeatedly overexposed to sunlight or damaged in any way, the appearance of the skin is impacted and the scaffolding becomes negatively affected in some way.

As we age, we lose vital production of Collagen, Collagen is important for your overall health and the most abundant protein in your body. By supplementing these peptides you give your body the boost it needs to renew and build each cell. There are 3 essential proteins that are required to keep your body in tiptop shape. Types 1 and 3 work together to bolster skin, muscles, bone health, and hair. Our hydrolyzed bovine collagen peptides formula is natural and free of artificial additives, flavors and most allergens, including sugar, gluten, dairy, nuts, soy, fish, egg, and hormones. It is also non GMO and made in the USA.

Get yours HERE!

Other Benefits of Collagen

Helps Repair a Leaky Gut
Nearly 80% of your immune system is housed in your gut. One of the main reasons I use collagen supplementation is to help repair a leaky gut. When you have a leaky gut, toxins, food particles, and infections can pass through your intestinal wall and into your bloodstream, causing inflammation. Over time this chronic inflammation can lead to autoimmunity. Therefore, if you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease or thyroid condition (the vast majority of which is autoimmune) then you likely have a leaky gut and you would benefit from adding collagen into your diet.That’s because your Intestinal wall is made up of microscopic folds or “villi” which are actually built of collagen. The amino acids in collagen quite literally, “seal the leak” or perforations by supporting cellular health and tissue growth2. Improves the Appearance of Hair, Skin, and Nails
Hair loss and skin issues can be symptoms of thyroid dysfunction, as well as the normal aging process. As you age, you may have noticed that your skin has become looser and less elastic – and there may be wrinkles or creases where your skin was once more smooth and supple. You might also experience brittle nails, peeling, splitting or breakage. Your hair may also begin to thin and become dry and brittle.This is because collagen protein is essential to healthy hair, skin, and nails. Increasing collagen intake can go a long way to make your skin appear more firm and smooth. It can also impact the appearance of your hair’s fullness and shine. Many people don’t realize that by adding collagen to your diet can also help in reducing the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. When skin loses its elasticity and becomes thin, cellulite becomes more obvious. Collagen can help to increase moisture retention, boost elasticity, and helps smooth out that dimpled appearance, as well as those fine lines.3. Impacts Joint Health
Much like oil in a car, collagen allows your joints, tendons, and ligaments to glide and move easily. With age, and as your collagen production depletes, your joints can become stiff, swollen and painful, even causing a lack of mobility. Collagen contains the amino acids glycine and proline, which help to support joint mobility and a healthy inflammatory response.
Using collagen as a supplement is meant to be a cog in the collective wheel of your health. Meaning, you have to ensure you are well hydrated (hydration is largely housed in that dermal scaffolding I referred to earlier). You need to exercise to allow for increased blood flow to the body and skin and for greater detoxification and stress relief. You need to eat mindfully so as to keep pro-inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy to a minimum. You need to ensure you’re getting enough phytonutrients by way of fruit and veggie consumption and by supplementing with a good quality superfood product (see fermented organic gut superfoods+… you’re welcome). None of the above exist in a vacuum because the body (and the mind) don’t function this way. It’s a collective effort across all aspects of health. So while supplementing with collagen won’t be the answer to all of your woes, it will certainly be an effective piece of your health journey puzzle.

Bonus Benefits:

Supports Weight Management
Collagen can even help you manage your weight. Glycine, the amino acid I mentioned earlier, forms muscle by converting glucose into energy. Having more lean muscle tissue gives your metabolism a boost because muscle burns more calories than fat. Essentially, collagen helps to turn your body into a fat-burning machine, even when you’re at rest. There is some evidence to also suggest that supplemental collagen may support a feeling of fullness after you eat.

Maintains Your Heart Health
Proline, which is found in collagen, can impact the depositing of fat in your arteries and the repair of tissues within them. Arterial fat may play a role in blood pressure and hardening of the arteries.

Supports Bone Formation, Growth, and Repair
Calcium is not the only component for healthy bones. Your bones are ? collagen, which gives them their flexibility. Your bone cells are constantly turning over, and adding collagen protein to your daily diet may support both health by increasing bone mineral density. Several studies have shown that osteoporosis can be impacted by supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen.

Impacts Detoxification and Liver Function
The toxins we are exposed to every day must be processed by your liver to be removed from your body. Glycine, which is found in collagen, can support your liver during the potentially damaging detoxification process.3

This is particularly welcome news for those of you who consume alcohol, a toxin I suggest you avoid. As if all this weren’t enough, glycine may even support a calming and restful sleep. It’s one of the reasons I love to drink collagen powder in my hot tea before bedtime.

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