Struggling With Addiction? Tap Here

One of the most overlooked benefits of CBD, the non-psychoactive cannabis compound, is its ability to combat drug and alcohol addiction. “How could you even use CBD for addiction?” you’re probably asking. And you’re completely right. At a glance, it seems pretty bizarre. And to be frank, some would even interpret it as a load of BS from companies just trying to sell more product.

I mean, how could CBD be used to treat so many diverse conditions, of all things addiction? As bizarre as it may seem, there’s actually a ton of medical research backing the effectiveness of using CBD for addiction, and when you think about how CBD interacts with our body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), it all makes sense.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) reports that opioid overdoses take the lives of 90 Americans every day, and cannabis may be one of the keys to battling the opioid epidemic. States that permit medical cannabis have 24 percent fewer deaths by opioid overdose than states that do not. Cannabis may also support people who are trying to quit using opioids by helping with withdrawal symptoms.

CBD in particular has been shown to reduce drug-seeking behavior. This could be because CBD provides relief for symptoms that introduce people to using opioids, like chronic pain. Unlike opioid painkillers, though, CBD helps people to manage pain without getting them high.

CBD can help fight addiction by addressing every point in the addiction cycle. It may help to prevent addiction by providing relief for many of the conditions that make people vulnerable to addiction, like pain, insomnia and mood disorders. For those who are already suffering from addiction, it may help reduce cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms. And for those who have quit, it may support their healing by reducing the likelihood of relapse.

In a recent case study, researchers ran a series of tests to determine the “anti-relapse” potential of transdermal CBD. In the study, researchers administered transdermal CBD to animal subjects who had a history of self-administering cocaine or alcohol and exhibited characteristics of a relapsing addict such as dependency, anxiety, and impulsivity.

After administering CBD once every 24 hours for just seven days, the researchers made a profound discovery.
Based on their test results, the researchers concluded that the brief 7-day period of CBD treatment not only prevented the development of previously displayed “addict-like” characteristics, it deterred the subject’s from relapsing for 5 months — even though the CBD cleared from the brain and body after 3 days. So not only is CBD effective in preventing relapses in drug and alcohol addicts, the benefits it provides are long-lasting which is crucial when fighting substance addiction.

With substance addiction being such a huge problem in the world today, this a huge breakthrough that could change the lives of tens of thousands of people.

And remember, although CBD may help with addiction, it is no substitute for proper medical care. If you or somebody you care about is being affected by addiction, talk to a qualified health care professional who will ensure you get all the support you need.

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