Spring Is In The Air and So Is Better Health!

As we begin to awaken from the slumber of winter and take notice of longer daylight, cherry blossoms, and tulips, we see the beginning of spring and rejoice! The spring buzz is all around. Can you feel it in your body and mind? Signs that you might be waking up from the winter slumber include: clear mind upon awakening, stable energy throughout the day, excitement to make future plans, and an abundance of creativity.

When it feels like spring where you live, pay attention to your intuition and its instinctive response to want to cleanse, purge, and rejuvenate. Spring is really a time to thrive and it’s difficult to soar if you’re weighted down by your life and surroundings. A cleanse will help get rid of accumulated weight and clutter, and allow you to benefit from “what’s not there.”

Ayurveda, yoga’s sister science, is one of the world’s oldest systems of healing. Its integral approach, based on the truth of our interconnection with the natural world, stresses the importance of synchronizing our personal rhythms with the rhythms of Nature for promoting true wellness.

Consider these practices to feel your best at the start of this new season:

  • Drink hot lemon water with a pinch of sea salt in the morning to wake up your digestive fire and prepare for a.m. elimination. Drink hot water throughout the day to clear congestion.
  • Meditate, focusing on what you wish for more of.
  • Exercise outdoors and do dynamic yoga practices that help you break a sweat.
  • Take a steam sauna or hot soak in a bath to help you sweat and cleanse your skin, the largest organ of your body.
  • Decrease heavy, oily, cold, fat-rich foods such as meat, dairy products, and foods cooked in oil. Increase your intake of foods that are bitter (like arugula), spicy (like radish), and astringent (like grapefruit and fennel.)
  • Start a new hobby or sign up for a new class.
  • Join an upcoming retreat, something you can look forward to for months ahead knowing how transformative it will be!

With “spring fever” in the air, it’s a great time to start new projects, take classes, plant seeds, and take action on what you’ve been dreaming about all winter.

Wanting to make a big change in your life and in your wellness but don’t know where to start or lacking the support? Zen Finders Retreat is BACK and coming to you in September!

To pre-register, CLICK HERE! <—

And truly say yes to yourself this Spring. By putting yourself first and investing in time to include these healthy habits and a re(treat) for your mind, body, and soul- you will feel absolutely unstoppable with that kind of self love in your life!

Maybe you’re signing up for the retreat but still need that support in the mean-time? I’ve got you covered there too! My coaching and therapy services can help you if you resonate with the following: Have you been struggling with persistent pain, anxiety, overwhelm, and health issues that you cannot seem to get to the root of? Have you been losing and regaining the same 10-50 lbs for years without lasting results? Have you been to numerous doctors, therapists, coaches, and healers gaining some temporary relief or positive shifts, only to end up back at square one and more frustrated than ever? Have you spent thousands on self-help books, workshops, seminars, masterminds, and motivational retreats to walk away temporarily inspired, yet days later experience zero real shifts in your life or work? Have you been spinning your wheels in your personal life, experiencing the same recurring issues with relationships, self-esteem, and friendships? Are you feeling stuck or confused in your career, like you can’t make a definitive choice and follow through with the right actions to achieve your goals? Do you have an overwhelming sense of being at odds with your own mind or body, and like you just can’t seem to break through some invisible barrier that keeps holding you back?

If one or more of these were a resounding YES, you are not alone, you’re not weak or crazy, and most importantly you are NOT hopeless. You are just like millions of other people who are trying to change areas of your life that are governed by the somatic body (the mind-body connection where trauma, stress and life events are stored) and the subconscious mind (the conductor of your life which is full of faulty, outdated programs, beliefs and fears). These two areas combined control NINETY-FIVE PERCENT of your behaviors, thoughts, and actions yet NONE of the aforementioned approaches actually address or work WITH these two elements of the human experience. This is where what I do is different. This is why I combine protocols and modalities that get to the ROOT of the issue FIRST, then build outward with the more superficial aspects. Without changing the internal terrain and creating a safe and healthy environment to build on first, all other attempts at change are futile at best, damaging at worst. I create a customized client experience with each individual from the start and evolve the process with the client rather than for the client. I facilitate healing and growth, but the individual’s own mind and body tell us where to go.



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