Endocrine Disruptors: What You Need To Know!

Did you know that the chemicals we’re exposed to on a daily bases can completely alter and disrupt our hormonal health? The makeup you used this morning? It probably contains an endocrine disruptor. The carpet you just sat on? Could possibly contain endocrine disruptors. Your hair care routine? Your deodorant? SUPPLEMENTS? Etc.. Endocrine Disruptors.

Hiding from all of them isn’t realistic. However when you begin to understand your endocrine (hormonal) system and how to balance it- you’ll also in return learn what to look out for and how to protect it from imbalances as best as you can. Again, progress over perfection is key here! This post isn’t intended to scare you, but to teach you the importance of this topic and how to implement it into your own wellness journey; because as we’ve emphasized before: if your hormones are out of balance, your whole life and body is out of balance.

What Do Endocrine Disruptors Do?

The Endocrine System is in short a bunch of glands that release hormones. Once released, hormones act like messengers and travel around the body, binding to specific receptors on cells that cause predictable cellular change.

Endocrine Disruptors (EDS) can MIMIC hormones, meaning they can bind to hormones and create an even more powerful, less powerful, or totally different hormonal response then the actual hormone. EDS can change the hormone creation, transport, binding, and even breakdown. See how this can be confusing to your body and throw off balance? It’s crazy.

EDs don’t break down quickly and can have a big impact in even small amounts. Many manufacturers include these disruptors in products for this exact reason. They like to stick around and bind things together. Unfortunately, that means that our health is compromised every single day with the products we use.

How Endocrine Disruptors Disrupt:

  • oxidative stress
  • altered testicular function and suppression of testosterone synthesis
  • early onset of menarche
  • sensory impairment and social problems (especially when exposed at early ages)
  • altered conversion of cholesterol to steroid hormones
  • promotion of obesity (by altering metabolism, fat cell signaling, glucose uptake, inflammation, and appetite)
  • EDs stored in fat cells (the more body fat, the more EDs have likely been stored)
  • altered onset of puberty
  • disrupted immune function
  • disrupted bone health, cardiac function, and mental status

Now Let’s Look Into The Most Common EDS:

PCBS and Dioxins: Found In Pesticides.

They resemble thyroid hormones and interfere with the transport and metabolism of these hormones.

Flame Retardants: Found In Plastics, Paint, Furniture, Electronics, Food.

Similar to PCBS/Dioxins, they disrupt thyroid balance and alter androgen and estrogen signaling and accumulates in organ tissues over time. The top four food sources of this include meat, fish, dairy, and eggs. When you consume these foods, your breast milk will also contain EDS that pass on to your infant. Breast milk levels are 10-20 times higher than in Europe.

Perfluorinated Chemicals: Found In Some Food Packaging and Non-Stick Cookware.

Interferes with thyroid metabolism.

Phthalates: Found In Plastics, Food Packaging, Cosmetics, Cleaning Agents, and Products Including Fragrance or Perfume.

Phthalates have a negative influence on semen quality and are agonists to receptors that govern fat cell growth. They are anti-androgen and alter hormone levels.

BPA (Bisphenol A): Found In Plastics, Food Packaging, Lining Of Food/Beverage Containers, The Older The Plastic Is, The More EDS It’s Releasing.

An Estrogen Disruptor. More than 90% of the U.S population is exposed to BPA and it stays in the body for quite some time. BPAs have been associated with heart disease, diabetes, sperm abnormalities, reproductive organ disfunction, and altered immunity.

UV Filters: Found In Sunscreens and Cosmetics.

Interferes with thyroid function and holds estrogenic in activity.

Triclosan: Found In Personal Care Products and Anti-Microbial Products.

Linked to allergies, asthma, and can influence how the thyroid hormones react within the body.

Perchlorate: Found In Weapons, Fireworks, Drinking Water, and Pharmaceutical Industries.

Compromises iodine uptake into the thyroid.

Parabens: Main Source Is Found In Deodorants and Polyester Fabrics.

Mimics estrogen and crosses skin to enter the body.

BHA/BHT: Found In Foods/Gum As A Preservative.

A well-known carcinogenic (cancer causing component)

And those are just to name a few…. Now before you freak out: we are talking about ways to minimize exposure in this post as well. We all have been subject to the wrong doings of companies (some who just didn’t know better) and have been surrounded by EDS for a long time now. The good news is, we CAN make small changes in the products we use and in the things we consume on a daily basis to maximize our wellness!

The first step is to really tap into your own personal life and be honest with yourself on the quality and amount of products you use in a day. This next part is interactive and is PERFECT for Spring Cleaning! Here is a checklist of items to go through at your own pace to evaluate the ingredients and potential toxins within:

Pro Tip: Download the app (THINK DIRTY) for this and scan the barcodes to help you detect any potential toxins in your self care products.


1. Make-Up (Yes, ALL make up!)

2. Skin Care (Cleansers, Make-up Removers, Toners, Moisturizers, Suncreens, Soaps, Etc.)

3. DEODORANT (Important One!)

4. Perfumes/Body Sprays

5. Menstrual Pads/Cups/Tampons/Panties/Etc

6. Nail Polishes and Nail Care

7. Hair Care (Shampoos, Conditioners, Masks, Hair Sprays, Serums, Color, Etc.)

8. Body Washes, Soaps (hand and body).


1. Dishwasher Pods/Soap

2. Floor/Counter/House Cleaners and Sprays (ALL)

3. Sponges and Cleaning Machinery

4. Laundry Detergent and Dryer Sheets




Once you have done this, simply reflect and think about which products you need to throw out and replace with a better option: This is where the change begins! Below, we will offer some ideas and lists of cleaner products that can help you get started on your journey to getting rid of these harmful EDS. Obviously there are many different non-toxic companies out there, these are just a few that we have researched and trust!




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