Get The Best Hair, Skin, And Nails of Your Life!

We’ve all most likely have taken a biotin or Hair Skin Nails Supplement or have at least considered it before… am I right? Although it sounds like a superficial thing to talk about for some, your outside appearance is a huge indicator or internal health. Your hair, skin, and nails all are so important to distinguishing nutritional deficiencies, diseases, gut issues, and hormonal imbalances. By paying attention to them, we can better treat ourselves to what our bodies need and use the correct supplements, food, and lifestyle choices!

Let’s start off with a little self-assessment: Take a few moments to really look at your skin. Notice if there are bumps in certain places, redness, acne, discoloration, dullness, aging, etc. Then look at your hair in detail, is it thinning, full, shedding, frizzy, overly oily, overly dry, etc. Lastly, check on your nails. Are they brittle, strong, have white spots, are bendy/breaking, growing fast or slow, etc.

Once you’ve done this, take a few moments to assess how you feel internally most days. Is there a potential connection? No matter what the connection you may have found is, there is always hope and the ability to help give them a boost and help gain back that strength!

How To Get The BEST Hair, Skin, and Nails of Your Life:


In terms of supplements for supporting gorgeous skin and locks, collagen is without a doubt a number one recommendation. Collagen is an essential building block of your skin, making it supple and firm, and helping your hair and nails grow long and strong. It also helps seal the leaks in your gut to prevent toxins, microbes, and yeast cells from escaping into your bloodstream and wreaking havoc on your skin. As you age, you naturally start producing less and less collagen, which is why supplementing is so important to maintain your youthful glow.


Similarly curcumin, the active component of turmeric, can help quell inflammation that leads to skin blemishes. Turmeric has been used for centuries in Ayurvedic medicine to provide a golden glow and luster to skin. Studies have even shown that curcumin may be beneficial for collagen production and accelerate wound healing.


All The Zens Multivitamin that provides you with vitamins A, C, E, biotin, and zinc can be a potent part of your beauty regimen, along with detoxifying glutathione and gut-friendly probiotics. Vitamins and Minerals are considered essential nutrients – because acting together they perform hundreds of roles in the body. They help bones, heal wounds, convert food into energy, repair cellular damage, and boost your immune system. Many multivitamins on the market today have a random blend of vitamins that truly can’t work within our bodies without the proper minerals to go with it and or amounts making them useless and invaded with unwanted fillers.

It’s important to note that our multivitamin also includes powerful antioxidants which reduce the risk of many diseases and cancers. Antioxidants scavenge free radicals from the body cells and prevent or reduce the damage by oxidation in the hair, skin, nails, and body. This is important to take daily with your other essential nutrients to ensure all bases of health are covered! Our antioxidant blend includes an energy blend made from all natural Ayurvedic herbs such as Green Tea, Pomegranate Fruit Extract, and more! All The Zens also provides 170mg of additional immune support with a blend of Echinacea, Beta Glucan, Spirulina, and Garlic. (Don’t worry, you can’t taste it!)


Because your skin health is so closely connected with your gut health, probiotics can be just as beneficial for your skin as your gut. By restoring balance to your gut, probiotics improve a number of skin disorders, including eczema, acne, and psoriasis, and can even bolster your skin’s innate immune system. This makes sense considering your skin has its own microbiome. The friendly bacteria on your skin act as a protective coating against bad bacteria, air pollution, and free radicals!


With the world being as stressful as it is sometimes, it’s more common than ever now to struggle with hormonal imbalances, weakened immunity, chronic fatigue, weakened hair/skin/and nails, and depression and anxiety. This powder is filled with micronutrient-rich superfoods that will help your quality of life one scoop at a time! This blend of super greens is formulated to increase vitality, immunity, lower stress, aid in inflammation relief, provide anti-aging benefits, support an alkaline environment in the body, and provide you with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and powerful antioxidants! All with the wonderful and refreshing taste of watermelon which is ultra hydrating. Did we mention this also has powerful probiotics as well? Win Win!

Toxic sunscreens aren’t the only products that can cause your skin more harm than good. Anything you put on your skin–lotions, cosmetics, deodorants, cleansers, etc.–can be hiding hundreds of undisclosed chemical compounds that irritate and inflame your skin. And because your skin is so porous, these toxins can easily penetrate your bloodstream and circulate throughout your body, wreaking havoc on more than just your skin. By switching over to Zen Pits, you’re already helping to eliminate some of the most harmful toxins from leaking into your bloodstream and putting your body at risk for developing certain cancers, skin issues, mental health issues, and more!


Healthy hair, skin, and nails is really a reflection on what’s going on internally from your digestive system, food intake and mineral and vitamin absorption to the health of your detoxing organs. Just taking a supplement that is designed to support your hair, skin, and nails is not going to have much of an effect if your digestive system is compromise, your liver is sluggish, and you have unresolved food intolerances or allergies. Consider these while healing your hair, skin, and nails as well!



Water makes up 60% of our bodies: every cell, tissue and organ in our body needs it to function effectively. It’s recommended we drink eight glasses of water a day to stay hydrated and flush out toxins – you’ll see the results in your hair, skin and nails in no time.


Love it or loathe it, exercise is essential to keep up looking and feeling our best. Whether you’re training for a marathon or simply taking the dog for a brisk walk, a healthy circulation will increase blood flow to your face, scalp and nails beds to keep you looking healthy and radiant. If you need a boost in energy levels to obtain the lifestyle you desire, try our Energy Zen followed by Power To The Plant Protein Powder to repair and restore your cells and muscles.


Stress and anxiety can bring about unwelcome changes to our bodies, from hair loss to acne.  Removing these stresses is easier said than done, but simply taking time to wind down and relax does wonders for both our outer appearance and our minds. Consider regular exercise, meditation or just a bit of ‘you’ time and self care! Need help living a more relaxed life? Try Zen In A Bottle CBD and Zen Mind!

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