Tips To Getting Everything You Want and More!

Some people have the ability to reach for and get what they want. They seem to have everything figured out, wonderful things just seem to happen to them, and they are surrounded by opportunities, wealth and abundance. What makes it come so easily for them? What makes them so naturally powerful that they are able to attract anything they desire? (Hint = it’s in every single one of us)


How to increase your natural power? Eliminate what drains you of energy and add in the things that give you energy.


-Start by reducing the number of things that drain and distract you, and replace them with positive habits, people, and things.Time to break your bad habits, learn to protect yourself from unpleasant people – don’t be afraid to remove any toxic people from your life. Be mindful of what puts you in bad moods, and then get rid of it/them. While this may seem mean or drastic, you will be rewarded long term with a life of no bad distractions and you will quickly start walking a pathway to your desires. Building this foundation by removing your energy drains can be hard, but it is necessary and critical to your future success.


Find a life full of energy and reach your desires by following this simple guide:


START NOW: Write up a list of all the things that drain you, that annoy you, or that you are just putting up with. Writing something for each category: work, home, your habits, car, family, relationship, body, friends, pets, to name a few. They may be simple things, such as a messy desk, a loud creaky door, or a chipped mug. Or larger things: broken lock, biting your nails, snoring etc. Don’t worry about the how, just write down everything and anything that frustrates you. Then slowly resolve each one, work your way through changing and eliminating what you can. There may be items on your list that you can’t change or that you put up with for a good reason. Leave them and go on to the next. Once all the easy/simple tasks on your list have been ticked off, you will be surprised at your ability to deal with those that are bigger –  the ones not easily within your power to change. Creating balance and transforming your life takes time, but this is the first step to setting up a future full of energy, positive vibes and self-love.


NEXT: Write down what you WANT your life to look like and all of the positives. For example, write down what your dream work-life balance looks like, your dream relationship/friendships/family life, your goals for the next few months, what you want your health to look like, and so on. Pro Tip: head over to Pinterest and create a virtual Vision Board by creating an board filled with what you want your life to look similar to. Obviously, you want to be realistic but also don’t be afraid to dream big! You’d be shocked just how much you can accomplish off that list (if not everything) when you shift your mindset over time and work towards your best life. Look at your vision board and goals daily. Be inspired by yourself!


LASTLY: Say YES more often to things that light you up and to yourself and NO to things that drain your energy in a negative way. Work on taking those risks, saying yes to new adventures no matter how scary they will seem, and lose the guilt of saying no when it’s something that doesn’t make you feel amazing. You are worthy of being selfish with your time in order to grow into your best self. The most successful people are not afraid to give straight forward answers (kindly, of course) but be clear about your goals and intentions. Be honest with yourself and access situations that bring your closer or further from what you are creating here.


BONUS: Gratitude is also super important to manifesting where you want to be; you have to be thankful for where you are in this present moment and find the good within it in order to upgrade. You’re wasting precious time by always wishing you were somewhere else, looking like someone else, living someone else’s life when you should realize that your life is, too, wonderful because you’re well.. ALIVE! That means that moving forward to better things is always possible, and even if you’re in a rough patch in your life you are here, breathing, and that alone is something to be thankful for. Don’t get caught up in comparison, get caught up in INSPIRATION!


If you are wanting to improve your life but don’t want to do it alone, I would strongly strongly encourage you to do something bigger for yourself to kickstart extreme manifestation, gratitude, health, and abundance in all areas of your life. The Zen Finders Retreat was made for just this: to grow alongside other women and practice these guidelines daily to work with yourself and not against yourself. You deserve to be surrounded by uplifting energy and conversation that will result in a lifelong journey of healing with the incredible memories and habits you will create so effortlessly here. We cannot WAIT to see you there and to heal alongside you!


Our activities include but not limited to:

  • Yoga and breathe work practices.
  • Meditation.
  • Guided forgiveness journey that can clear decades of pain/trauma.
  • Fun and challenging day hiking through breathtaking scenic mountains (everyone has the option to opt-out of this, so if you have health restrictions no problem!)
  • Laughter and inquiry games (you will feel like a kid again!)
  • Self-inquiry exercises that help release blocks and subconscious fears.
  • Relaxation on the beautiful venue grounds.
  • Discussions on mindfulness, releasing judgments and fears, tapping into the power of your intuition, and living a purpose-driven life.
  • Talks and workshops on stress management, healing, and true self-care.
  • Community exercises for confidence, self-awareness, happiness, and tools for navigating everyday life struggles.
  • Plenty of downtimes to socialize, enjoy the lodge and beautiful surroundings, sip tea etc.
  • An exclusive opportunity to join a groundbreaking new program to take all your habits and shifts into your normal life for permanent change.


Sign up HERE for an adventure of a lifetime: ZEN FINDERS RETREAT


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