Did you know that people never even set big enough goals because the thought of the goals being achieved subconsciously freaks them out? It’s mind paralysis in a way, where we freeze at the thought of discomfort. This can be a great thing when you need to have a fight or flight response, however this was not meant to control our lives and our decisions that aren’t dangerous.Your brain is not meant to keep you happy, it’s meant to keep you alive. It’s up to YOU to work WITH your brain to coexist in a productive, fun, happy, and fulfilling way that will in return become your life.

Here Are 3 Vital Steps To Move Past Fear and Toward Any Goal

1. Take IMMEDIATE Action Towards The Goal

When we take immediate action towards are goals, it doesn’t give our brains enough time to go through a textbook of reasons why it will not work. There’s no time to sit and dwell on the “What Ifs”, and if they do come to the surface? At least your already in action which means you’re one step closer than you would have been if you waited and got to overthinking. You have about 5 seconds between when you thought of the idea, and how long it will take you to talk yourself out of it. 5 seconds… let that sink in. Take action now!

2. Commit To One Thing At A Time

This is super important. Our brains do not do well when we try and juggle a bunch of new tasks, goals, or habits. If you want to create a long lasting habit or lifestyle, picking one thing at a time to work on it key. For example, if you want to live a healthier/more fit lifestyle, choosing to commit to strength training, yoga, meditation, strict diets, etc all at once will leave you feeling drained, confused, and lead to your brain overthinking again and giving up all together. However if you were to choose one or two of those things to implement for 30 days and nothing else, you would create a sustainable goal and result to a true lifestyle change.

3. Remove Distractions

This is hands down the hardest step, yet probably the most important. This day in age especially distractions are everywhere. It can almost feel impossible to focus on one thing ever. Even in the act of DOING that thing- the chances of you getting distracted is high- and that’s okay. It’s about reducing these factors in order to truly live in the present and achieve what we want to achieve. We are neurologically wired to give into distractions (Example: Phone Notifications) that we feel anxiety if we put our technology to rest for awhile while we work/study/workout/meditate/creating/being social/etc. These distractions drain us from our full potential and make us feel like we don’t have enough time or energy, when in reality we ALL have enough time and energy. It’s simply all about our choices on how to use that time and energy. We all have the same 24 hours in a day, make good use of them! You deserve it.

In summary, TAKE IMMEDIATE ACTION: stop waiting for the stars to align, stop waiting for it to be easy, stop doubting your potential.. do it now. And do it without fear. Work with your brain and remind it that it’s safe to dream big and accomplish your biggest goals in life. COMMIT WISELY: start with one thing at a time. Be consistent and stay on track for 30 days and see how your life starts to change habit by habit. GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS to the best of your ability. Your time is precious and you deserve to live the life of your dreams by using time to your advantage. Lay off the social media, I promise it’ll get easier to spend less time on it as you dive into your dreams. These three things will change your life.

Wanting to take the next step into resetting your life and your goals? Need a life-changing event to immerse you into becoming your best self? Zen Finders 2021 Retreat is coming for just that! If you haven’t read our announcement post about it, CLICK HERE for all the details! Say yes to yourself. Say yes to adventure and change. Say yes to your dreams. You are worthy.

We’ll see you there!

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